We have collected a number of resources here that we find useful in our work that we hope are useful to you also!
Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) www.acfid.asn.au ACFID is the peak body for international development organisations in Australia. They play an important role in setting standards and developing policy for the sector. ACFID’s Code of Conduct is found here: www.acfid.asn.au/code-of-conduct/code-of-conduct .
Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission (ACNC) www.acnc.gov.au The Australian charities regulator. The website contains a register of Australian charities, information about the new evolving requirements for charities, and some useful guides on topics like governance and fraud.
Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Non Profit Studies (ACPNS) www.qut.edu.au/business/about/research-centres/australian-centre-for-philanthropy-and-nonprofit-studies This centre is part of the Queensland University of Technology Business School. They offer the ability to complete postgraduate studies in philanthropy and non profit studies, perform important research for the charity sector and publish materials on a huge variety of charity topics.
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT – formerly AusAID) www.dfat.gov.au The Australian government international development funding arm. The DFAT website contains information about important policy debates, details of requirements about key issues like counter terrorism financing and internal audit reports for NGOs. DFAT’s accreditation criteria for NGOs seeking funding is located here: http://aid.dfat.gov.au/ngos/pages/accreditation.aspx
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) This is the membership body for Australian chartered accountants. You can search for a chartered accountant on the website, get information about upcoming training courses, and look at the ICAA’s contribution to national and international accounting policy issues. The ICAA also publishes a great resource: Enhancing not-for-profit annual and financial reporting, available here: http://www.charteredaccountants.com.au/Industry-Topics/Reporting/Current-issues/Not-for-profit/New-and-updates/Institute-guidance-for-not-for-profits. This is a best practice guide with a lot of useful tips.
Management Accounting for Non Government Organisations (MANGO) www.mango.org.uk This UK based organisation run training courses specifically tailored to overseas NGOs. The courses are run around the world, including in Melbourne. They also have some great templates like an NGO ‘Health Check’ and a Finance Manual for overseas field offices. MANGO provide a recruiting service for NGO finance staff and provide consultants to assist with finance assignments.
MAS Accounting Services www.mabledon.com.au/MAS Social Business Consulting is pleased to partner with MAS Accounting Services, to provide our clients with an integrated accounting service offering. MAS Accounting Services provides outsourced accounting and payroll functions for small businesses and not for profits.
David Parmenter http://davidparmenter.com/ David is the self professed King of the KPIs. He is a leading proponent of best practice accounting functions. His books and training courses contain a lot of practical information about implementing concepts like quarterly rolling reforecasting, quick month end turnaround and of course KPIs in dashboard reporting. He even has a book dedicated to KPIs for not for profits.
Whitewright Consulting Social Business Consulting is happy to provide some services in the UK, however we are also pleased to partner with Whitewright Consulting, a likeminded firm, for local UK organisations. Contact Douglas direct on and view his resume on Linked In.